Read the terms of the contract carefully. The lease agreement may be concluded for different lease terms. Sometimes the lease expiration date is not specified. This means that the contract will end when one of the parties notifies the other of the end of the contract.
If one of the parties to the agreement wants to terminate the agreement, it is necessary to officially notify the other party for a certain period of time. The contract specifies how long it takes to do this. Usually, you need to give 3 months’ notice.
The agreement specifies whether the tenant can have pets. And other specific conditions. For example, regarding cleaning after moving out and other wishes of landlords.
Landlords have the right to increase the rent no earlier than 6 months after the conclusion of the agreement.
Pay attention to what is included in the rent – TV, internet, electricity.
You can agree on many things with the landlord, the main thing is to discuss your wishes. How to take care of the lawn, garden, whether it is possible to build a playground, who takes out the garbage and how, whether it is possible to remove/add additional furniture, etc.
The agreement specifies the amount of the deposit that the tenant must pay after signing the lease agreement. The deposit is the amount from which material losses and damage to the landlord’s property will be deducted. If the lessor has no material claims against the lessee at the end of the lease term, the deposit is used to pay for the last months of the lease. The deposit usually ranges from one to three months of rent.
The deposit is transferred by the tenant to a separate account of the tenant. Neither the tenant nor the landlord can use this amount. This amount is frozen until the end of the lease agreement.