• Motor third party liability insurance (MTPL)

    Using a car with foreign license plates If you have not previously lived in Norway and have not been registered as a resident for more than 365 days in the last two years before receiving collective protection, you can use a vehicle with foreign license plates for 2 years from…

  • On the difference between a state-assisted settlement and an independent agreed settlement

    If you can find your own accommodation and provide for yourself financially, you can live in any Norwegian community. In order to be eligible to participate in the induction program, receive the program participant’s allowance and other financial assistance from the commune, settlement must be agreed upon between the commune…

  • Obtaining housing (third stage)¶

    Once your application for collective protection has been granted and you are ready to settle in one of the communes, the Directorate for Integration and Cultural and Ethnic Diversity (IMDi) will find a suitable place for you and your family to live. If you need assistance from the authorities, you…

  • Can I find a place for temporary residence on my own?

    Accommodation at mottak is not mandatory, you can stay at your own expense in any other accommodation (privately). If you want to live privately but still receive economic assistance, you must submit an application for residence at a private address (temporary alternative residence) . Before applying for alternative residence, your…

  • Temporary accommodation (upon arrival)

    If you do not have a place to live in Norway, you can apply to the Police or to the places of registration for temporary accommodation. It can be a hotel (or something similar) or an indoor camp (Råde). The first transit accommodation is intended for a short-term period only,…

  • Dictionary of Norwegian products

    Dairy products Hapå – boiled condensed milk Viking melk is concentrated milk. Liquid, similar to condensed milk. It is sold in many stores, for example, in Rema1000), stands on the shelves with baked goods, near the flour. Authentic condensed milk in blue jars can be found in many immigrant shops…

  • What is BankID, Commfides, Buypass and MinID?

    BankID, Commfides, Buypass, and MinID are a type of electronic identifiers used to access various online services, including e-banking, tax services, access to your medical records, and government services such as online voting, e-tax returns, and more. In simple terms, BankID, Commfides, Buypass and MinID are your personal electronic identifier…