What should be in your CV:
- Presentation of your experience
- Clear and concise, nothing superfluous
- Preferably 1, maximum 2 A4 pages
- Your photo
- In reverse chronological order
- Must be attached to the application (Jobbsøknad)
- Neat and factual
- Constantly changing, with your experience updated
- It should give an idea of who you really are
- Resume and application complement each other
Read more here: https://cvnerden.no/tips-til-cv/
What should be in the Jobbsøknad application
- This is an addition to the resume
- Responds to job ads
- Says more about you
- Shows that you are motivated
- Show how your experience can be useful
- Emphasize your professional and personal qualities
- Show that you can write (in Norwegian)
- Show that you fit in with the team
- Resumes are about the past, applications are about the future
- Make your employer more interested
- Will secure you an interview
More about the application can be found here: https://cvnerden.no/tips-til-soknad/